Demographic, Geographic and Climate

Conspicuous area with expressive language style is located between east protractor line 108 degrees 39’ 17’ until 109 degrees 27’ 15’ and south diagonal line 7 degrees 15’ 05’ until 7 degrees 37’ 10’ or in southern half of equator.

So that Banyumas has wet tropical climate. Maximum temperature is 30, 9 degrees of Celsius with minimum temperature is 21, 4 degrees of Celsius. Daily temperature is about 26, 5 degrees of Celsius. All year long have about 116 rain days with capacity 2.527 mm. Natural Tourism Area Baturraden which become mainstay of Banyumas has highest rainfall until 168 days each year with capacity is about 5.320 mm.

Banyumas is connected with various little and big cities in Central Java through traffic highway and railway crossing. Banyumas is border on Tegal and Pemalang Regency in northern and Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Kebumen in eastern; Cilacap Regency in the southern and Brebes and Cilacap Regency in western. Distance of Banyumas from Semarang, capital city of Central Java is 211 kilometres.