Banyumas Today

Banyumas is developed as one of the most progress regency in Central Java. Purwokerto City is as central government, central of education, central of service and central of trading with highest money circulation after Semarang and Solo.

The government is divided into 27 sub district which has 331 villages. All area covers 132.759 hectare and 18.811 hectare only for settlement. Largest area is rice field, agricultural field, and plantation forest. Only 45% area is land which concentrate in central and south area and others are fertile hill.

Tourism is one of economic pillar in Banyumas so new tourism area which has natural beautifulness and culture always develop together with awareness campaign that Banyumas is unique and different. Tourism concept has left classic styles which only show natural beautifulness and nowadays more emphasize how to let sightseer visiting whole of Banyumas itself.

Banyumas is as ex-colony from various powers Javanese Kingdom and Dutch Colonial and nowadays Banyumas is struggling to find again identity area itself. The location of Banyumas is far from seat of Kingdom Government and government of Netherlands Colony, it makes them create identity which is relative more independent. Nowadays culture experts are delving local identity become source of new power for developing Banyumas.